RUMA and Harper & Keele Veterinary School Collaboration

As part of Harper & Keele Veterinary School’s (HKVS) curriculum, students undertake an Animal Health Sciences module in their 2nd year of study. Within this module students are taught about viral diseases, genetics, antimicrobial sensitivity testing, microbial diagnostics, infection and immunity, parasites amongst other topics for both small and large animal. As such, one of the assessments for this module is for students to create an academic poster about the role of the vets around one of these topics. Students then have to present these posters on a scheduled poster day event where they are marked based on their research of the topic and presentation of the poster itself as well as their communication about their poster.


RUMA and its members were impressed to hear about the HKVS poster assignment and the relevance of many of the titles to RUMA’s objectives. Given the intended topics of the RUMA conference in November 2023, there is a direct relevance with the HKVS project titles which will be of interest to attendees and supporters of RUMA’s work, who will also be equally keen to understand the thoughts of the next generation of veterinarians. We are therefore delighted to be able to showcase a selection of these posters and thank the students and HKVS for agreeing to share this great work.

Aisling Hendron

Charlie Padfield

Elisha Moule

Ella Guimaraaens

Ella Stuttard

Ellie Dawson

Meg Berenguer Gaffney

Holly Phelan