RUMA Agriculture comment on the Government response to the GB Veterinary Medicines Regulation

RUMA Agriculture broadly welcomes the publication of the Government response to the GB Veterinary Medicines Regulation consultation. 

Chair of RUMA Agriculture, Cat McLaughlin, says: “Last year, working with our members, we submitted a detailed response to the consultation and are pleased that the feedback has been carefully considered. This will be an important piece of legislation that will further protect and improve animal health and welfare in the UK.

“It is reassuring to see that certain concerns raised in the consultation have been acknowledged and the proposals amended. For example, the proposal regarding immunological products (such as vaccines) which would have restricted them to a POM-V classification has not been adopted. This means these important preventative medicines can continue to be either POM-V or POM-VPS subject to the usual assessments and procedures. Likewise, the VMD  has decided not to implement the proposed restriction on the advertising of POM-V and POM-VPS immunological medicines (such as anti-parasiticides) to professional keepers of animal products.

 “The last thing anyone wants is for legislation to adversely affect animal health and welfare which is why it has been so important that the open consultation took place and that the comprehensive feedback has been properly considered.”

“RUMA will be reviewing the proposals in more detail and we thank all involved for the hard work that is being undertaken to get this legislation right. We look forward to the adoption of the legislation.”

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