RUMA is seeking professional communications support to maintain its position as the go-to organisation on issues relating to responsible use of medicines across UK agriculture.
Its activities cover the breadth of animal medicine, but recently it has had a focus on the use of antibiotics and responsible reductions without negative impact on animal health, welfare or food safety.
RUMA’s work includes coordination of the Targets Task Force and liaison with sector sub groups to promote the cross sector voluntary response to the AMR challenge.
An Independent Scientific Group (ISG), made up of experts from the veterinary and medical professions, advises RUMA on its strategic priorities and positions, acting as a critical friend and ensuring that RUMA remains science and evidence led.
The RUMA communication role will support both the TTF to include coordination of an annual report on progress towards the sector targets, support to sectors to amplify messages around their activities / targets and case studies where relevant and the ISG as appropriate, and when requested by RUMA Officeholders.
The RUMA Communication position includes the following activities: –
- Communication advice to RUMA (Officeholders and Board)
- Media monitoring and reporting of industry challenges and related issues
- Liaison with other RUMA Alliance member communications
- Liaison with RUMA’s new sister organisation the RUMA Companion Animals and Equine Group
- RUMA newsletter – collation of existing published articles and circulation
- Writing, and having gained approval from RUMA Officeholders and Board, the release of RUMA press releases, position statements, and responses to issues
- Communication support to the TTF to include an annual progress report – compilation publication and media briefing
- Web content and development
- Maintaining RUMA’s social media presence through the management of the RUMA Twitter account
- Input to RUMA conference themes and content
- Coordination of comms around the RUMA conference
- Input / delivery of RUMA reports as specific projects; these could involve seeking expert opinions and input from the ISG
- Issues management advice
- Providing a communication input to relevant Officeholder and Board discussions and developments impacting on RUMA’s reputation and strategy
RUMA – the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals Alliance – is an industry stakeholder organisation which provides leadership on the responsible use of medicines in farm animals including antibiotics.
Its work supports the development of a UK livestock industry which is innovative and proactive in its efforts to drive the responsible use of medicines to ensure good animal health, associated welfare and food safety.
It works to secure confidence amongst stakeholders including government and the public that the industry is fully engaged on issues of responsible use and is ‘doing things right’.
RUMA currently has 26 member organisations and wants to maintain its position as the go to organisation on issues of responsible medicine use in livestock.
In addition, it needs to be ready to explain the industry position on related issues in the event of criticism and challenge about the use of medicines, particularly antibiotics in farm animals.
RUMA has a list of relevant stakeholders, including government officials across the devolved administrations, policy regulators, opinion formers throughout livestock supply chains and the human medical sector as part of the One Health agenda.
RUMA has two key strategic objectives, under which it coordinates a series of activities: –
Strategic Objective 1
Champion the responsible use of animal medicines in UK livestock.
Strategic Objective 2
Maintain a specific focus on AMR and the responsible use of antibiotics in UK livestock, coordinating activities which contribute to the UK 5 Year AMR Strategy.
RUMA is a private company limited by guarantee, funded solely by members’ annual fees. The contract for this tender will be with RUMA reporting to the Secretary General.
For more information on RUMA please visit our website
- Tenders are invited from interested parties with relevant experience of the agricultural sector. For further information contact the RUMA Secretary General, Chris Lloyd at Applications close 1st February 2021.